Friday, May 29, 2009

3 Going On 16!

Well, I'm convinced! My 3 year old has become a teenager!
He's rebellious, wants his own way, is eating us out of house and home, wants to stay up all night, and sleep in until all hours.

He's at loggerheads with his dad "You're not my friend anymore" is heard quite frequently (from the 3 year old).

That said though, if he wants his dad to do something, he thinks nothing of asking that he do it.

"Daddy, I really need a Loopy Doopy train track. You make it for me please." (Of course, Dad, trying to get back in the good books does it.)

He's also mastered the "Play the parents off against each other" technique to get what he wants. I'm forever hearing "But My Mummy said ..." in response to a request from his Dad.

Another interesting habit he's developed is not taking responsibility or being accountable for anything!

It goes a little like this:

Mum - Liam, please don't throw the bath water ALL over the bathroom. Try to keep it in the bath.

Go to get towel, hear very loud sounds of water hitting walls and turn around to see Liam standing up in the bath filling a bucket with water, and then throwing it at the wall on the other side of the bathroom.

Mum - Liam, what are you doing? I asked you not to throw water around!

Liam - Its Ok Mum, it was a little bit of an accident.

Mum - No it wasn't

Liam - Yes, it was mum, it was a little bit of an accident on purpose.

How can you argue with something so cute?

I wonder if it will be just as cute when he IS 16 ...

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