Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Does this mean I'm Trendy?

Well, after a year of inaction (has it really been that long?!?!) I am taking action!

I am tired of being an ungainly lump who can't sit on the floor to play a game - well I can, I just can't get up again!

I am going to do something about it.

I have spent the past few months with a chiropractor getting my back aligned and next week I go to the podiatrist.

Yay! I will soon be able to walk again - no excuses now!

Today I bought another Wii, so that I can use my Wii Fit in the bedroom and not have to compete with the 5 year old who wants to play Star Wars Lego or something.

I made enquiries about Lap Band surgery, but that is going to be a last resort. I refuse to believe that I cannot do it myself!

I am also seriously considering the Dukan Diet - Yes, Yes, I know. Everyone is doing it - well maybe that's a good thing! There are a lot of success stories out there - why can't I be one as well?

Because of my intolerance of a lot of fibre products, raw fruit, etc - maybe Dukan is the way to go!

I've never really considered myself a big meat eater, but when given the choice, I think it makes sense. There would be no danger or my body going into famine mode if I was filling it with meat!

As much as I love my breads and pastas, I think I love being thin more, so it will be a worthwhile sacrifice for a while. I'm hoping that if I go without for long enough I will break the habit and not rely on them so much.

Here's Hoping!