Monday, May 18, 2009

Beading Fun

Since becoming a SAHM (stay at home mum) I found it hard to keep myself 'busy'.
OK, before you get upset and exclaim that there aren't enough hours in the day for a SAHM - I agree!
But, I'm not talking about housework of looking after kids, I mean things to keep ME occupied and interested.
Things for ME. Being a SAHM after 20 years of corporate flying, brings you down to earth with a thud. You have no idea what you are doing; you are not in control of your life; and believe it or not - dust free skirting boards and a colour coded linen cupboard are not included in my recipe for a self fulfilling life.

I actually gave up work 2 years BEFORE I got pregnant, on medical advice, to help get pregnant. I dabbled in direct sales and had a moderate success with Nutrimetics, becoming a manager, earning a company car, and a trip to Canada for my husband and I. I then got pregnant and decided that I didn't want to do 'parties' any more, so gave back the car and retired from the workforce again!

I decided to look at doing the fun things I never had time for, rather than work - crafts! I got into scrapbooking, built 1:12 scale buildings and furniture, then turned my hand to miniature lathe work. It was all good fun, and I was quite good at it, but then I discovered, like so many before - Jewellery Making and Beadwork!

I was in heaven! I taught myself techniques, bought materials by the truck load and surrounded myself with beads and baubles!

I contented myself with making things for friends and families, and then sold some work. I actually received a few commissions for pieces (word of mouth is a brilliant thing), and realised that perhaps this could be the answer to my prayers! Something that I enjoyed playing with, that could also earn me a little pin money.

Bead Pro Software!

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