Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Honesty is the Best Policy

Well, I went to see Julie & Julia on Monday, and thought it was wonderful! It combined so many things that I like - food, cooking and someone who has great potential but never finishes anything - a bit like me!

So, Julie Powell, thank you, you have inspired me!

Over the past 9 years I have actually put on 40kg (88 lb). How did it happen? Hmmm, probably the result of too much food and cooking - much too much - and a dislike of exercise. Well, not really a dislike, just a short attention span and abhorrence of all things boring. I have yet to find any form of exercise that inspires me to do more, and to do it for more than about 5 minutes. I get bored out of my brain!

So I've decided to blog my current attempt at weightloss based on the theory that making it public will keep me honest!

So, I'll be looking for support, handy hints, recipes and anything else that you think might help me in my quest!

I've been at it for 1 week so far and have lost 3kg (about 7lbs) but have another 37kg to go, so am going to need all the help I can get!


  1. Good on you! I hope it all works out. We're watching you!

  2. I know you'll do it Lou! You can count on me to keep you on the straight and narrow.
