Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Weakness

Well, I've only been at it for about 10 days, and I thought I was doing really well. I was planning my meals and actually enjoying eating good healthy, wholesome food. Well, today I discovered my weakness. Something that I cannot resist even though I know I shouldn't eat it.
KFC chicken skin!
Hubby wanted KFC, so I thought I'd be good and take the meat off a breast piece and make a salad with it. I resisted the Chips and Gravy but do you think I could bring myself to throw that skin in the rubbish?
No Way!
I would rather eat the skin and throw the meat away!
Is there some trick to it?
Will finally being able to throw it away mark a turning point in my life and set me on the righteous path to inner health and an awesome bod?
I'll let you know if I ever actually manage to do it!

Friday, October 16, 2009

How low can you go?

Well, another successful day on my new eating plan has passed.
After spending many years with eating disorders, I am determined to lose weight the right way this time.
I am trying to develop an eating regime that I can live with ... not a temporary diet ... but a lifestyle change.
But my efforts keep bringing back memories of past episodes of weight loss when I went too far and became skeletal. I distinctly remember a photo I had taken for a Visa to travel to South Africa, and my face looked like one I had seen in a brochure designed to scare school kids off drugs! My face had sunken cheeks with bony cheekbones and dark circles under the eyes - and I won't even start on how bad my skin looked!
When I reached Customs, they almost wouldn't let me in because I looked nothing like my passport photo!
I cannot believe that women seriously want to look like that! I suppose you'd call it "Size Zero Syndrome", but I was nowhere near a Size 0! I would have to have bones removed to fit into a Size 0 dress! I didn't have an ounce of flesh on me and my BMI was seriously low, but I still couldn't get below a Size 8 Australian. (US Size 4).

Anyway, I have decided that I would be happy to get back to a Size 12. I need to be realistic these days. I'm middle aged, its not so easy for me to lose weight any more, and my metabolism is shot due to my dietary abuse over the past 20 years.

I'm not a celebrity, I don't make a living out of my looks, so I'm going to be happy just not worrying if I'm going to break a chair!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Honesty is the Best Policy

Well, I went to see Julie & Julia on Monday, and thought it was wonderful! It combined so many things that I like - food, cooking and someone who has great potential but never finishes anything - a bit like me!

So, Julie Powell, thank you, you have inspired me!

Over the past 9 years I have actually put on 40kg (88 lb). How did it happen? Hmmm, probably the result of too much food and cooking - much too much - and a dislike of exercise. Well, not really a dislike, just a short attention span and abhorrence of all things boring. I have yet to find any form of exercise that inspires me to do more, and to do it for more than about 5 minutes. I get bored out of my brain!

So I've decided to blog my current attempt at weightloss based on the theory that making it public will keep me honest!

So, I'll be looking for support, handy hints, recipes and anything else that you think might help me in my quest!

I've been at it for 1 week so far and have lost 3kg (about 7lbs) but have another 37kg to go, so am going to need all the help I can get!

An oldie but a goodie - no, a greatie

Well, who would have thought that it would take something like this to stir me out of my blogging block and inspire me to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) again.

I'm very sad to say my 17 year old cat died in her sleep, and we found her looking very peaceful under a bed yesterday.

She had a good long life, but it is still incredibly sad when someone you have shared your life with dies.

She's been with me longer than my husband and my son, was with me for the death of my father, brother and last husband, moved house multiple times, and has always been there for me. After my last husband died and I was single she slept on my bed every night curled up next to me. When I remarried, she returned to sleeping in her basket next to the bed. I hope she knows what a comfort she was to me in my loneliness.

Its very hard explaining to a 4 year old, why a someone that has always been a part of his life won't wake up, and the other two cats are a little confused wondering where the cranky queen of the house is.

We will all miss our silent, peaceful, dignified companion.

Well, she's off to the crematorium and in a week or so will be back home.

RIP Silver Premier of Premiers Sardross Cordon Bleu - or, as we lovingly know her, Stilton, the best British Blue in the world.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Family and Other Skeletons

Well, skeletons in the closet that is!
I haven't been blogging or tweeting for a few days because I have become obsessed with family history!
I started a few years ago when one of my grandmothers died, and we discovered that who we thought was her sister, was actually her mother ... a whole extra generation added in. We were immediately intrigued and wondered what other secrets we could uncover!
So far we've discovered, illegitimate royalty, legitimate royalty, illegitimate non-royalty and heaps of legitimate non-royalty.

I've made contact with long lost relatives all over the world, and have been amazed to be reading about relatives in Wikipedia and on authoritative websites and publications.

So, to all the Blakely, Bridson, Sheppard, Rennie, Cowan, Dennis, Boorn, Wall, Phillips, Heron, Weir and Hamilton's out there - I might just be adding you to my family tree!

Friday, May 29, 2009

3 Going On 16!

Well, I'm convinced! My 3 year old has become a teenager!
He's rebellious, wants his own way, is eating us out of house and home, wants to stay up all night, and sleep in until all hours.

He's at loggerheads with his dad "You're not my friend anymore" is heard quite frequently (from the 3 year old).

That said though, if he wants his dad to do something, he thinks nothing of asking that he do it.

"Daddy, I really need a Loopy Doopy train track. You make it for me please." (Of course, Dad, trying to get back in the good books does it.)

He's also mastered the "Play the parents off against each other" technique to get what he wants. I'm forever hearing "But My Mummy said ..." in response to a request from his Dad.

Another interesting habit he's developed is not taking responsibility or being accountable for anything!

It goes a little like this:

Mum - Liam, please don't throw the bath water ALL over the bathroom. Try to keep it in the bath.

Go to get towel, hear very loud sounds of water hitting walls and turn around to see Liam standing up in the bath filling a bucket with water, and then throwing it at the wall on the other side of the bathroom.

Mum - Liam, what are you doing? I asked you not to throw water around!

Liam - Its Ok Mum, it was a little bit of an accident.

Mum - No it wasn't

Liam - Yes, it was mum, it was a little bit of an accident on purpose.

How can you argue with something so cute?

I wonder if it will be just as cute when he IS 16 ...

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've become fascinated by Twitter!
For anyone who hasn't come across it, or has heard of it but has no idea what it is, it is a real time social networking communicator! (Well that's how I see it)
Millions of people around the world post 'stuff' all the time, and as it is limited to 140 characters at a time, it is short, sharp and packs a punch!
You choose who's posts you want to see (ie who you want to Follow), and others choose you (your Followers!)
There is, however, the Public Timeline, where everything is posted and it goes by at an incredibly rapid pace, so don't try to keep up!

This is where it gets interesting ... when you start out, no one is following you, so you feel a bit like you're talking to yourself.

Then you start following people ... you'll come across websites that you visit, and people you know who have a Twitter Follow Me link, so you hit the link - just so that you've got something to watch and hopefully respond to occasionally.

Then after a day or so on Twitter you start getting hit by the serial Twits - they're the ones who Follow everyone in the hope that you'll follow them back! Guess what, you will! When you start out and have hardly anyone following you, you are so grateful that you follow everyone back just to keep them happy and following!

But beware, they will fill your day with ads for how to get rich using the internet, re Tweet other peoples posts about how to get rich using the internet, or only spout cliched wise words of wisdom from other people. I'm beginnning to suspect that these people are actually not people but spamming robots.

Then there are the people who seem to be real, but befriend you so that they can send you an endless stream of advertisements for their business! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people advertising - after all, networking sites are a great way to find new business and make contacts. BUT, I do mind those that ONLY advertise their wares and don't communicate on a human level at all.

So now you've been on Twitter for a few days and have a few of your new best friends Following you, BUT, you've found a lot of interesting people and businesses also that you want to follow - in fact, you're following more than are following you!

Is that a problem? Well, according to one article I read (from a link that someone Tweeted to me, and I really wish I had favourited it so that I could find it again), apparently one way to tell a Spammer from Genuine Twits is that they Follow more people than are Following them!! Try telling that to all the newbies who, like me, are trying to figure out how all of this works!
You become paranoid that you are Following too many people, so you cut back your list, but then, all the people who ticked the "Stop Following people who Stop Following Me" come off your Followers list, so you have to take more off your Follow list, and it becomes a viscious circle!

Before you know it, you are back to square one and are friendless again!

If Celebritweets are anything to go by, you need to aim for about 32 people to Follow, and be followed by 432,861 others. Also, make sure those 32 that you do follow are Celebritweets as well ... just to make sure that none of the unwashed masses think that they can make it onto your Follow list!

Its a fun place, I've actually begun to make some great contacts, especially with other WAHMs (Work at Home Mums)like me!
I'm learning more and more every day, and now that I have over 100 followers I feel a little less stressed!

I do though sometimes feel that I'm talking to myself ... oh well, what's new!

P.S. Make sure you Follow Me on Twitter! and I might even Follow you Back!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a great product!

I received in the post today, one of the best eco or 'green' household items that I've seen in a while - and it was pink!
It is a Fregie Sack, and was sent to me from Your Cheeky Monkey.

It is a drawstring net bag that you use to purchase produce in, instead of those freezer bag type ones that you usually get.

We all take our 'green' bags shopping, but then we end up with plastic bags for our fruit and veges - doesn't make sense to me!

These bags are really cool - they are light, strong, come in a couple of sizes, and come in a great range of colours (why do we insist on making everything that's 'green' actually green in colour?!?)

The website has a huge list of ideas that they can be used for (not just fruit and veg), and even has some gift packs packaged in them - much more practical than those organza type bags that you usually get.

You can find them under 'Mum and Dad Stuff' on the Your Cheeky Monkey website, or just do a subject search for Fregie.

Check them out - they are a really great idea, and get my vote for favourite product at the moment!

Thanks Cheeky Monkey for sending me one to check out!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Beading Fun

Since becoming a SAHM (stay at home mum) I found it hard to keep myself 'busy'.
OK, before you get upset and exclaim that there aren't enough hours in the day for a SAHM - I agree!
But, I'm not talking about housework of looking after kids, I mean things to keep ME occupied and interested.
Things for ME. Being a SAHM after 20 years of corporate flying, brings you down to earth with a thud. You have no idea what you are doing; you are not in control of your life; and believe it or not - dust free skirting boards and a colour coded linen cupboard are not included in my recipe for a self fulfilling life.

I actually gave up work 2 years BEFORE I got pregnant, on medical advice, to help get pregnant. I dabbled in direct sales and had a moderate success with Nutrimetics, becoming a manager, earning a company car, and a trip to Canada for my husband and I. I then got pregnant and decided that I didn't want to do 'parties' any more, so gave back the car and retired from the workforce again!

I decided to look at doing the fun things I never had time for, rather than work - crafts! I got into scrapbooking, built 1:12 scale buildings and furniture, then turned my hand to miniature lathe work. It was all good fun, and I was quite good at it, but then I discovered, like so many before - Jewellery Making and Beadwork!

I was in heaven! I taught myself techniques, bought materials by the truck load and surrounded myself with beads and baubles!

I contented myself with making things for friends and families, and then sold some work. I actually received a few commissions for pieces (word of mouth is a brilliant thing), and realised that perhaps this could be the answer to my prayers! Something that I enjoyed playing with, that could also earn me a little pin money.

Bead Pro Software!

Mothers' Groups are a Great Thing

I don't know about other countries, but here in Australia we have a great system called Mothers' Groups which are created by our Baby Health Centres and link first time mothers who have bubs about the same age.

Our bubs are now almost 4 - and some of the girls are having 2nd or even 3rd bubs, but we have that link that no one will ever be able to take away.

We were all first time mums together, we had no idea what we were doing, and had the same fears, concerns and joys. We ranged in age from 24 to 42 but age meant nothing - we were all novices and in love with our newborn bundles of joy.

Some of us decided to stay at home, some had to, or chose to, return to work, but we still kept up that routine of meeting every week.

This went on until the end of 2007 when 3 of us did the unthinkable - decided to move away! Two headed into Northern Victoria, and I headed to the South East. It would now take me 2 hours to get back to meet with the mums in the northern suburbs.

The weekly meets ended and became irregular play dates for those left behind. We still aim to all meet up as a group every few months, and yesterday was that day.

Bub and I jumped in the trusty CRV and tested out Eastlink - Yay, it cuts half an hour off the travel time!

We all met up at a play centre and marvelled at how all the kids had grown since we last met in December, 2 of the mums are pregnant and only a few weeks from giving birth.

It was great, as though we hadn't been apart for nearly 6 months, and made me realise how much I appreciate this group of women who I will always have a bond with.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So Many Cool Sites!

Its a rainy Saturday today - Lord & Master is running amok in the playroom, and I am resisting the urge to do housework!

Anyway, I thought I would share with you a couple of my favourite websites - It never ceases to amaze me how many cool sites there are out there!

Mummified Times 5 - a really fun and informative site from a mum with 5 kids and a husband! I've lost count of the number of hints and great products I've picked up from here. There's also a really great comp for Aussie mums on there at the moment!

Visit connect2mums
Connect2Mums - a brilliant site to meet other WAHM (Work at home Mums). Everyone has a story, everyone's fascinating, and above all everyone is really friendly and helpful!

Friday, May 15, 2009

What A Day!

Well, today is my birthday! I did have a facial and pedicure booked in for a treat ... unfortunately little Mr Lord & Master didn't want to wake up this morning, so I had to reschedule and only managed to get the pedicure done.
I did get a pleasant surprise after lunch when my mother decided to make the trip to visit me, and came bearing flowers, afternoon tea and a present for me!
My husband has just come home with take away so I don't have to cook tonight - all in all, quite a pleasant day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bed? What's That?

Here it is, 1.20am, and I am sitting up waiting for my 3 year old to go to sleep.
For the past week, he has developed the bad habit of collapsing into a really deep sleep at about 5.30-6.00pm and sleeping for either the night or 4 hours.
When he decides he's tired, nothing will keep him awake, and no amount of anything will wake him.

So, if he sleeps for about 4 hours, he then wakes at about 10pm, and wanders out to find me, lamenting "I'm a bit hungry, mum."

What do you do? Force him back to his bed with an empty belly, or feed him, and then have him wide awake for a few more hours.

I'll admit, I'm a soft touch, and knowing what an appetite he has at the moment, ( he seems to be going through a growth spurt, and currently eats 2 slices of toast, a bowl of cereal and a tub of yoghurt for breakfast. Lunch is two rounds of sandwiches, a plate of cucumber and carrot sticks with tzatziki, and then 2 pieces of fruit) will make him some dinner.

He is now lying on a couch in the playroom, so hopefully will be receptive to the idea of bed again in the not too distant future.

In the meantime, I'm sitting here on the laptop, Law & Order on the TV, and hubby snoring in bed at the other end of the house.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, I've finally given in to the ever popular activity of blogging!
I always think I lead a really dull and boring life, but then I talk to people who tell me otherwise ... Yes, I have promised them one day to actually write a book, but until then, I will have to appease all with anecdotal snippets of my life!

You will meet
  • Lord & Master - A 3 year old who rules the roost
  • Manipulative Cabinet Ministers - 3 cats who kindly let us share their house
  • Loyal subjects 'Mum' and 'Dad' who seem to spend all their time at the beck and call of the Cabinet and Lord & Master.
I'll attempt to be energetic and include photos and also share with you my favourite websites, recipes, handy hints, philosophical thoughts and anything else that I think of!